Spring Clean Your Kitchen Mess Without The Stress

As a notorious family gathering place, kitchens often become cluttered with everything from bills and report cards to shopping lists and fridge magnets. With spring just around the corner, it’s time to say good-bye to all that clutter and Tupperware has some simple solutions to help you do it!

Compress the Mess: If there is just not enough space in your kitchen, then it’s time to toss all unnecessary items. Remove objects from kitchen counters that are not essential for everyday cooking (blenders, mixers, juicers, etc.). This will make the room look more spacious and clean and will give you extra room to prepare daily meals.

Pantry Antics: Before you take a trip to the grocery store, take a good look inside your food pantry-if in doubt, throw it out! It’s safe to assume that the expensive jar of Spanish olives sitting on the shelf for the last five years will never be used and the cans in the back are only useful for gathering dust. If food is stored for too long and in the wrong conditions, the freshness, quality and taste will suffer. Tupperware’s Modular Mates® containers are ideal for organizing cabinets and offer the perfect solution for storing dry foods such as pasta, cereal, beans, rice and sugar.

Fridge Feng Shui: If items in the fridge are preventing the door from closing easily, it’s time to take notice. A bonus to cleaning out the fridge is that when racks are sparkling and items are organized, it’s much easier to find everything. Are you constantly throwing away spoiled food or leftovers? Avoid letting things get out of control in the future by placing food in Tupperware’s FridgeSmart® or Fresh ‘N Cool® containers, which maximize shelf life and minimize space.

Kitchen Crackdown: If you are prone to experiencing pangs of distress at the thought of decluttering your kitchen, stick to one simple rule: Clean as you go. Spending 15 minutes a day clearing countertops and discarding leftovers will create a stress-free environment and allow you to keep your kitchen running smoothly.

Tupperware has many useful products to help reorganize your kitchen.

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