Thinking about remodeling your office space but the mere thought of relocating your computers, office equipment and files is making your head throb? Relax. What if you could turn your entire office space over to the contractors and simply move out?
In fact, you might have to move if part of the remodeling process involves the removal of lead or asbestos.
Does such a move sound like a giant hassle?
It doesn’t have to be. At least not as bad as dealing with the noisy remodelers, their ladders, avoiding their paint cans and trying to talk with someone while loud hammering noises are pounding outside your office space.
Then again you may be worried about the cost factor of renting a temporary office space. Never mind the time involved in trying to negotiate a fair price for office space for only a limited amount of time. Or maybe you are doubtful that it is even possible to rent a short-term office space that is fully-furnished, fully functional and will best present a successful image to your existing and new customers. You realize that conventional commercial office space leases costs a small fortune and often involves a lengthy, complicated contract.
If you find yourself stuck in this dilemma, it’s time to contact an executive suites provider in your area. Executive suites is not the name of a building…it’s a plan. Actually an ideal plan for anyone needing office space for a short period of time.
Executive suites are located in cities all over the world. You can rent them for a day, week, month or however long it takes until your remodeling or construction work is done. There is no complicated lease contract. Just a simple, flexible and very affordable rental agreement. Best of all, you don’t have to wait forever, with one phone call, you can move in immediately.