Trading places: How changing your furniture layout plan can transform your room

Trading places: How changing your furniture layout plan can transform your room

It doesn’t take a Nate Berkus to pull off one hell of a household makeover. Neither do you need new stuff, especially new furniture, which can rake up your bills to nauseating amounts. In fact, all you would really need is a spark of determination, a desire for real change, and most importantly, drastic rearrangements in your furniture layout plan.

Yes, you heard it right. How you arrange your furniture and pretty much everything else in your home says a lot about how stylish it is. How you put together various elements in one room can largely determine how good or how bad it really is. Here are some of the things you should look out for to help you transform your home without spending too much and while taking advantage of everything you can do with the furniture layout plan.

Focal points. Each room should have a focal point – a piece of furniture or an area that should capture your attention the most and that sets the tone for the entire room. The biggest mistake people make is making their television sets the focal point of their living rooms. Surely you’ve seen houses where all the furniture are placed facing the TV and it’s just awful. Focal points should be chosen not just based on its aesthetic value but also for the purpose it serves in the room. If you make your TV the focal point in your living room’s layout plan then you’re discouraging people who would be coming into it from talking and encouraging to just watch TV. Be smart in choosing your focal points – emphasize the S because you can actually have more that one in a room.

Symmetry. Good layout is good symmetry. Are the furniture evenly placed? Does it look heavy near the window and too light near the fire place? Does it feel like one part feels too heavy and uncomfortable to be in instead of the other? Symmetry helps eases up the sight of any room and it encourages people to spread out and use every inch of space it.

Space. While furniture layouts mainly focus on the furniture pieces themselves, it would be really great if you would also consider the space – that is, the space between each fixture. Space allows the room to “breathe.” Lack of it causes rooms to look too small and too much of it causes it to look cold and stiff. Ample spacing is also important so each of the pieces in the room could shine and be appreciated more.

Furniture layout plans are just, of course, an element of an entire room’s design. But given that you simply want to save while making tremendous improvements in your room, they already provide a good place for you to start.

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