History of Color Therapy

History of Color Therapy

Therapy by color is a way to help restore the imbalance by applying certain colors on the body. Some 2500 years ago, Pythagoras used the light of colors and color halls were all over ancient Egypt and China for healing. The very first wheel of color was created by Sir Isaac Newton.
Johann Wolfgang Goethe started studying the effect of colors on the psyche about one hundred years after Newton made his wheel. Goethe also divided the colors into two different groups – the plus group and the minus group. The Plus group had red, orange, and yellow. The Minus group had green, blue, indigo, and violet. The plus group caused excitement and brightness. The minus group caused depression and sadness.
Modern color therapy was pioneered by Neils Finsen of Denmark. In 1877, he discovered the bactericidal action of energy from solar ultra-violet rays. Finsen also studied how wounds healed somewhat faster when hit with visible light.
Edward Babbitt was the founder of the principles of color therapy. He treated a variety of illnesses and ailments from burns to colds. He found that by placing a jar of water in the sun, the water would become medicated by the seven color rays. His principles of Rainbow Healing are followed by some people who drink the colored, solarized water o stay healthy and fit.
In 1897, Dinshah Ghadiali, MD, saved a woman from intractable dysentery by shining indigo light on her body. By the third day, she was out of the bed walking. By 1920, Dinshah invented the Spectro-Chrome. He deduced certain physiological aspects of each color and how they led certain behaviors.
In 1932, two Californian psychologists, Gerrard and Hessay, established that red has a stimulating effect, while blue is calming.
In 1985, Darius Dinshaw concluded everything on earth contains some form of color. These colors arehighly beneficial to keep people healthy and for healing purposes.

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